Next time you go on a surf trip, or just for a quick dip down your local beach, how about doing something to help the planet too? How about embracing your inner geek and doing a bit of citizen science? Citizen science is a great way for researchers to gather tons of data from things everyday people like us can contribute. Activities can range from surveys of marine micro plastics to biodiversity surveys.
There are a ton of citizen science projects ongoing in Ireland at the moment, many of which are run by Explore your Shore.
These include biodiversity surveys to assess how climate change is impacting our coastal ecosystems. For example the Seashore Spotter is a survey where people can submit smartphone photos of what they've spotted down the beach. So you don't even need to know the names of what you've seen to contribute, and can even turn it into a fun activity for the kids! To check out a list of ongoing projects run by Explore Your Shore and how to get involved click here
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